Week 17-MIND vs. WILL

I have not done ONE THING this week for my Master Keys course. Not one. I did not read. I did not write my blog on time (which was due on the 24th). I did not sit. I did not look over my flash cards. I did not write my gratitude items. I did not even log into the webinar yesterday. Why? Because I was rebelling. Yep; rebelling against myself.

If there has EVER been a time in my life where the phrase “the battlefield of the mind” has become real to me, it is during this course. Yes. The Mind IS a battlefield. It is a battle between old and new; good and bad; productive and unproductive. This week, my mind won and I did NOTHING.

You see, my WILL is to do good, keep my commitments, truly embrace the changes I want to make. But my MIND says, “uh-uh. You are just fine the way you are, no change necessary. And you don’t really have to do XXX, this one time, there will be other opportunities.” And the negative self-talk goes on and on and on. The truth is, I have this battle EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. In truth, battling my MIND with my WILL is truly exhausting. And this week, I just did not have the energy.

I had planned to quit this course today. I started writing the “I’m so sorry, but my schedule just won’t let me finish this course” email to Mark & Davene. And it struck me. I AM NO LONGER A QUITTER! I can watch the videos tonight and jump right back in! So, I deleted the email; went to the website and printed this week’s assignment and notes; and am now writing my blog.

I may not see extreme change in myself yet, but small victories are presenting themselves. I just need to continue to do the next right thing, and all will fall into place. I have come TOO FAR in this journey to quit. I WILL PERSIST and I WILL WIN!
—til next time


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3 responses to “Week 17-MIND vs. WILL

  1. Yay Laura so happy to hear you decided to get back on the horse and stay the course. Have to admit I was nodding my head with each sentence, Amazing how the old blueprint is still hanging on. Remember you are Whole, Perfect, Strong, Powerful, Loving, Harmonious and Happy!!

  2. Laura – you have already won the battle! And we all have your back! Good on you for not quitting! GO!

  3. Laura, Good for you getting back on that horse, you’re kicking that old blueprint to the curb! Sometimes we only see the baby steps we’re making, but what they add up to ?!!!

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